IFATE has recently published an update about the Environmental Practitioner apprenticeship End Point Assessment (EPA) that provides clarity around EPAs plans, which will secure a route for all apprentices to successfully complete both their degree and apprenticeship.
IFATE have advised that for all apprentices currently on a programme, and future starters, the EPA will carry 30 credits of the degree award itself. This final module will:
- be aligned with a dissertation style module, with the ‘Technical Project’ leading to the completion of a ‘report and presentation with Q&A’
- include a portfolio of evidence, covering the same areas of occupational competence, with a Technical Interview.
Initial guidance suggests that apprentices will not be able to gain their degree qualification without completing this final 30 credit module. IFATE have also advised that this final module will run in isolation from other aspects of the degree programme, but that apprentices must have achieved all other programme credits before the final 30 credits can be awarded.
Universities delivering this programme will now start to address the changes they need to make to the final module of the degree apprenticeship qualification, and will keep apprentices and employers updated directly on progress.
We encourage all institutions delivering this programme to visit the IFATE website and read the Standard and EPA Plan directly, as this will support you in understanding the competence outcomes of the apprenticeship (beyond a traditional degree qualification), and how competence will be assessed by professionally registered, and active, professionals working in this sector.
If you are currently offering the Environmental Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship and want to join our growing network of institutions delivering this programme, CEDHE and the IES can support you and your students. If you wish to find out more about our accreditation scheme please contact Rebecca Finbow, education@the-ies.org