CEDHE EDI Guide cover, picture of two environmental professionals using monitoring equipmentTo support our education community in delivering equitable, diverse and inclusive programmes, and to help ensure students from diverse groups are supported to succeed in professional practice, the CEDHE committee have published this guidance. This document explores how to address EDI in preparing students for professional practice in line with the QAA ES3 Benchmark Statement and Section B of the CEDHE accreditation application.

This guidance has been informed by examples from our accredited higher education institutions. There are already some excellent resources that document best practice in relation to how programmes are designed to ensure they are equitable, diverse and inclusive. We have included some resources in this guide to complement the examples submitted from the community, which focus their attention on EDI best practice with respect to preparing students for professional practice.

This project highlighting and sharing examples of EDI best practice also forms an important part of the IES’s EDI Plan 2023-2026, which seeks to enhance diversity and inclusion across the sector, help the IES to act as an agent for change, and lead by example for the betterment of our society, economy and environment.

We hope that publishing examples from within our community will support the continuous improvement of environmental science education, and lead to a more diverse and inclusive workforce in the future.

This is a growing repository of work. If you would like to contribute to this guide please contact us by email at education@the-ies.org.

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