The following institutions offer courses accredited by CEDHE.
Bangor University
Bournemouth University
Brunel University
Keele University
Lancaster University
Liverpool John Moores University
Loughborough University
Manchester Metropolitan University
Middlesex University
Nottingham Trent University
Queen Mary University of London
Scotland’s Rural College
Sheffield Hallam University
The Open University
Ulster University
University of Birmingham
University of Brighton
University of Central Lancashire
University of Derby
University of Dundee
University of East Anglia
University of Edinburgh
University of Exeter
University of Glasgow
University of Gloucestershire
University of Greenwich
University of Hertfordshire
University of Huddersfield
University of Hull
University of Leeds
University of Liverpool
University of Manchester
University of Northampton
University of Nottingham
University of Plymouth
University of Portsmouth
University of Reading
University of Sheffield
University of Southampton
University of St Andrews
University of Stirling
University of Surrey
University of the West of England
University of Worcester
University of York
Middle East and North Africa
Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain
Qatar University, Qatar
Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
United Arab Emirates University, UAE
Universiti Putra, Malaysia
University of Nottingham Malaysia
Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University, China
A full list of accredited programmes can be found on the IESĀ accreditation page.
Ordinary members are either in the process of getting their programmes accredited or have joined CEDHE for the other membership benefits outside of accreditation.